

About Therm Energy

A fully certified company - our efficient, friendly and competitively priced approach ensures our customers come back time after time. With fourteen years of experience, we can provide expedient and relevant design assistance as and when required at no extra cost.

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Our Energy Assessors are all certified by Elmhurst Energy Systems and Stroma, who are Government Approved Certification Bodies, offering training and certification licenses for individuals to practise as Energy Assessors.

The key functions of these certification schemes ensure all members:

Are sufficiently trained, qualified and/or experienced in SAP2005/2009 energy rating
Have thorough knowledge and understanding of all relevant building regulations and technical standards
Are appropriately insured
Abide by a code of professional conduct
Are subject to ongoing independent quality assurance
Have access to an independent complaints resolution service

The certification scheme ensures that all energy assessments are produced by individuals who are appropriately qualified, insured and subject to strict independent quality standards.


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