

EPC - Energy Performance Certificates

Since April 2008 all new dwellings (new build and conversion) require an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). EPCs must be acquired as part of the SAP process upon the building's completion.

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a certificate which demonstrates the energy rating of a dwelling. The Certificates provide ratings on the energy efficiency of a building and come with a recommendation report which includes advice and suggestions on improvements you could make to save money and energy. The Certificate also shows the rating that could be achieved if all the recommendations are followed.

The energy performance of a building is identified using an ‘A’ to ‘G’ rating system, similar to the energy ratings provided with a fridge or washing machine. ‘A’ is the most efficient and ‘G’ the least efficient with the energy performance of the building shown as a cost + CO2 based index.

EPCs are generated once the full SAP report has been submitted. An Air Leakage Test (ALT) certificate is usually required for new build dwellings before the EPC can be generated (SAP calculations will determine if an ALT is required).


Prices start from £45 + VAT

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