Sanitation, Hot Water Safety and Water Efficiency – Part G
Important changes to Part G of the Building Regulations - Sanitation, Hot Water Safety and Water Efficiency - were effected in April 2010.
A key change to Part G2 ‘Water Efficiency’ is the setting of a maximum standard of water consumption for each dwelling. This is calculated based on the occupancy of the dwelling and the water used by sanitary appliances and relevant white goods. Manufacturers’ declared values for water consumption of each of the sanitary appliances and white goods are used in the calculations. The estimated consumption of wholesome water of a new dwelling is specified in ‘Regulation 17K’ and should not be more than 125 litres per person per day. This includes a fixed allowance for outdoor water use of 5 litres per person per day.
Notification of the water efficiency calculations is required to be given to Building Control authorities.
Therm Energy can provide water calculations for dwellings to satisfy the requirements of the Building Regulations.